Thursday, August 18, 2011


Alright, I barely ever blog, and I admit it.

I barely ever go on Central.

I don't make videos.

I don't go on ConnectX or Facebook.

I don't even go on the game.

I'm sorry.

It's time for a little end here.

You knew it was coming.

So, I admit it, I'm not going to be blogging here anymore.

Last post.


I'll still go on my Facebook once a month.

I'm just not that into Wiz anymore.

As for Spiral Sister.. I will deal with that personally with the members of SS.

No videos either...sorry. :\

I'll still keep my blog and channel and Twitter and my website my website up.

Other than that, I'm done.

I'm sorry to everyone, I just don't feel like I'm "in" to Wizard101, therefore there's no point blogging about it.

Thank you to ALL of my friends from Wiz101, Wolf Moonrider, Sestiva, Olivia Dragonrider, Andrew Swift, Abigail, Cori, Paige, everyone.

I'll never forget you.

So, this is Natalie Moonblade,
6-15-09 to 8-18-11

-Natalie Moonblade

Thank you for coming to the Life of Natalie Moonblade, the show is over, you may now exit the theater.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things Natalie Fails/Wins At-


1. Blogging. Instead of updating everyday or other day, she updates like...once every 2 years.

2. RPG'ing. Making them and participating in them. Natalie has good ideas, yet everybody still decides to play "Hunger Games" RPG's instead of Natalie's original Night World (no, it has nothing to do with the book) RPG. She also fails at participating in them, as well.

3. Taking the Breathe Carolina CD out. Enough said.

4. Being a good person on Wizard101 Central. Has gotten in trouble 4 times - once for supposedly being mean to someone (she was trying to make a point), once for a link in her signature pic, once for putting up an Avi of Destery which people thought was her *facepalm*, once for hotlinking, which Natalie doesn't understand because you can't even find the link at all.

5. Keeping up to date with almost everything (besides her favorite bands, people, etc. because she stalks their twitter)

6. Being courageous of small things. Yeah she was scared to ask her mom if she could go to a concert and she still is because she wants to go to the BC concert on August 12th. But Natalie is just a scaredy cat of everything.

7. Wizard101.



1. Fangirling. (don't even need an explanation)

2. Turning her friends into fangirls and spreading the love. Turned her friend K (not saying her full name) which turned M and H into fangirls. Aw yeah. Spreading the love.

3. Replaying songs over and over again.

4. Making music videos in her head (which will never actually become reality).

5. Dancing. Serious or silly.

6. Keeping up to date and knowing everything about her favorite things.


Oh and here are some nice things-


Monday, July 25, 2011

ERROR: Natalie has failed to notify you of her long break. Retry?









WEILL SELF DESTRUCT IN 3...2...1....4....5....6...NatalieMoonbladelvel50necromancerstartedplayingonjune15th2009andshelikesthingslikestufflikemusicandlikeherfriendsthatsheneverseesanymorebecausesheislazyanddoesntliketogoonthegameanymoreandshealsolikedesterybutshealsolikessomethingelseandshehasastalkerwhoaskedonwikihowwhatherrealnameisbtwhernameiscamrynifyouarereadingallofthisthenyouareincredibleandnowiwillattempttorebootandstartthisentry





Hey guys!

Oh god, where do I start?

I seriously go for these long breaks without telling you, I know. *breaks promise* Tear, tear.

I just didn't blog for awhile. Let's say that.

So um.
Just letting you guys know I'm alive.

And stuff.

Oh and.

One more thing.

I liek David Schmitt.

He will dance to anything you play. Here is a sample:








Okay, bai then guise.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Embedding Youtube videos may become a felony (MUST READ & SHARE)


I just found this on W101C.

Kurt Nimmo

June 2, 2011

Embedding YouTube Videos May Soon Be a Felony  youtube screen

Techdirt reports that Senate bill 978 – a bill to amend the criminal penalty provision for criminal infringement of a copyright, and for other purposes – may be used to prosecute people for embedding YouTube videos.

According to Mark Masnick, if a website embeds a YouTube video that is determined to have infringed on copyright and more than 10 people view it on that website, the owner or others associated with the website could face up to five years in prison.

Read Masnick’s article here. He explains how the new law would expand copyright violations from reproducing and distributing to performing – including streaming video over the internet.

As readers of know, many videos are removed from YouTube after copyright owners complain about infringement. This happens with thousands of news clips every year. Most people are familiar with the now common black box replacing a video that says the video has been removed for copyright reasons.

If enacted, this law will go one step further and turn people who embed a copyrighted video into criminals. It will also set the stage to criminalize linking to copyrighted information — like corporate media news sources — and shut down the alternative media.

It will also make people think twice about putting up all kinds of videos, from news reports to clips from documentaries and other educational material.

It does not take a vivid imagination to realize the political implications of this legislation.

Masnick's article: here



(sources: and

Monday, May 30, 2011


Yeah. I'm writing a story. Not a Wizard101 story. A story.
Idk if I should keep on going or not. I've just started Chapter 1 and finished the prologue. The thing is, nobody even reads this blog, nobody really watches my Youtube videos, not a lot of people read my past two stories on Central (both failed and discontinued) because of small grammar errors.

But yeah, here's a quick preview of the prologue:

"A tear rolled down his cheek as he stared at the battle in front of him. He smelled death and fire all around him, he heard screams, pounds, whimpers, the sound of arrows being shot from their bows, the sound of swords clanging together. "

The story is called Elenya. Elenya is the name of the world they live in. There are 4 "countries" in Elenya. They are Pyrea, Morkshire, Nordisha, and Starmore.

Here's the map of Pyrea, where our main character will be:

(click to enlarge)

All dark green is just forest land, no name for it. Creatures live in the forests and there are a few houses in the forests and a few unidentified villages. Seers and fortune tellers are usually found deep in the forest.

Each city has it's own king and queen, but the kind and queen of all Pyrea resides in the middle of Atheri.

I will release more info soon! That's it for now.


Friday, May 20, 2011

The world is NOT ending tomorrow!

Yeah, just a really quick post to say....the world is NOT ending tomorrow on Saturday, May 21st. I heard this is from the same guy who said the world was gonna end in 2004.

People say stuff like this to scare and have people all panicky and screaming.

All of this is fake, fake, fake, fake, fake.

Now I'm serious, you wait tomorrow, and NOTHING is going to happen. Then the people who actually believed are going to be scratching their heads, and then make up another random date.

So have a HAPPY Saturday, and don't worry about this nonsense, because it's not going to happen! Make sure you blast some heavy dubstep!

Happy Friday night/Saturday,

Natalie Moonblade

Friday, May 6, 2011

It might be awhile

Yeah. I know. No Spiral Sisters videos. No Natalie Moonblade videos. I know. I'm sorry. I've been really busy.

3 orders in my shop on Central. None of them done. None of them started. I know. I'm sorry.

No, I haven't been dilly-dallying with watching DesandNate videos (okay, a little bit, BUT NOT A LOT!) But I get loads of homework. Tests all the time. I'm behind on a lot of things online. I have a million ideas, a million things to do (it seems) and it's all piled right on my back.

So I'm sorry about that.


I get like 5 friend requests on Facebook a day, and I log on like...once a week? A few times a week? At maximum, 2-3 times a week? Yeah.

Also, I just wanted to warn all of you out there if you have a FB for your wizard, I've came across a few people who have chatted me and telling me that I'm hot and that they wanna go out. Creepers. They don't even know what I look like irl. It's creepy and I just unfriend them.

I also get like 8 event invitations every week on Facebook. Oh my god, I'm not going to go to your virtual wedding or your "Wizard101 Facebook People Awards". This is what they are 99% of the time:



Thank you to all of those who support me. :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A tribute to The Friendly Necromancer

Here's the tribute video that I made for Friendly. It was actually a lot of work, I had to search everywhere for pics.

Comment if you liked it, please!

Thanks, -Natalie

Friday, April 22, 2011

Goodbye, Friendly

The beloved, most known Wizard101 blogger, The Friendly Necromancer, is taking a "break".

I don't want to call it "leaving".

This post comes directly from his blog:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Times, They Be Changing!

Dear readers,

It is time for a change.

I have made the decision that I will no longer be keeping a daily blog about Wizard101 (things haven't really been "daily" here at all lately anyway). It's been a great two years and eight months writing about Wizard101, accumulating 1,260 blog posts and a whole ton of comments from my amazing readers.

It's been a lot of fun that's even led to a couple trips to Austin to meet the fine people of KingsIsle, who I appreciate deeply. Without their generosity, The Friendly Necromancer could not have held all the raffles that we had. KI is a great company with outstanding employees. This blog has been yet another interesting highlight in my life. We've had a lot of fun! If you're coming late to the party, read through this post for kind of a road map to how we came to this point in time.

If you head to the fansite page for Wizard101, you'll see that things are now on equal footing as I am not really acting as a community leader for Wizard101 anymore, but I'm still on the list. :) I'm not completely abandoning Wizard101. I still play it, and my family still enjoys it. I just finished up an article about it for Beckett's Fun Online Games this morning. I still have Angus to finish leveling. Et Cetera . . . you'll still see me around. :)

I am, however, taking a break while I gather some new ideas as I try to figure out a new direction. The format of this blog may change or may become part of something grander. At this point I don't plan on completely discontinuing posts about Wizard101, but it won't be at the rate that it was for so long. If I do end up writing on another blog, I will definitely leave a link somewhere for the TFN faithful to check out.

The content on this site will remain up and free for all in the meantime.

Thanks so much for your understanding, and I wish you all the best.


Happy Dueling!

You will be missed, Friendly.

I'm currently working on a goodbye tribute picture and video for him. If you have any screenshots of your wizard with Friendly, any pictures with Friendly in them, drawings, etc. please e-mail them to me! E-mail the pics to There are no limits to the amount pictures you can send. They will be used in the video tribute.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Art and Social Networks

Hai peeps! :D

Okay, so my uncle has been a digital artist for a long time and he does a bunch of this cool 3D stuff I really really really want to show you guys. I know I'm probably not supposed to show off artwork that isn't mine (but I'm gonna give credit) but I'm his niece and he knows I'm not gonna go and sell it off DeviantArt x_x.

See, I'm gonna try to find a picture he made and show you people, but you see, it has his name in this transparent text in the center of a lot of his work which is like an anti-rip watermark. And also, I don't want all of you stalking him on Facebook and trying to find me on there since you already know my first name x_x.

What I CAN tell you right now is that he uses Photoshop (for tweaking purposes mostly) and a lot of these really fancy 3D softwares.


Okay the social networking part. I don't really go on my Natalie Moonblade facebook account a lot anymore because all it is is just a bunch of young kids swearing and thinking their cool and all I do is go on there to like...change my status every two weeks? Then I get invites to go to these people's "weddings" x.x Yeah, so you might have to wait a little bit for me to accept your friend request if you send me one.

I DO use my Twitter every one and awhile, mainly for posting links and just saying random things.

Diary of a wizard connectX, every month or so I might log in...

Central, everyday, mainly for my shop.

That's pretty much it.


I'm going to show you more of my artwork later :)

Bye for now

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Truth xD

It's almost sad. But it was awesome for me.

Read the pictures from the bottom up. Click them to enlarge

(I forgot to crop that one xD)


Friday, April 8, 2011

Chicken Nuggets o.o

That explains it all xD

So, I got a lot of orders in my shop on Central, I almost went crazy. I was too lazy (OOH THAT RHYMES) to do them, but in honesty, I could've gotten them done in like 10 minutes and they weren't even hard. One was just putting in a background, adding text, rotating it, adding a drop shadow, DONE. Click, click, click, done.

Here's another one, it was fun to make, but I almost lost it when GIMP froze, thank god I didn't loose it:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 3D Text! I wish someone would order something with 3D text...

Background is white so it shows up on the blog. I was gonna make it rainbow, but it looks really weird with rainbow.

Other stuff, might not write a story. *audience applauds*. Yeah, I have some ideas but I just don't think I'm gonna write it.

Oh, and people, I have to. Just one.

Caption: Dis flower I likez. It smellz good.

That's all I gotta say.

Bye for now! ^.^

Monday, April 4, 2011

Obsessive Fangirliness Disorder

Okay, I'm here to inform you that I have an extreme case of OFD, Obsessive Fangirliness Disorder.

See, my case is probably the most extreme as this disorder as you can get.

You want to know why?

My avatar on Central is DESTERY, my sig is DESTERY, my desktop background is DESTERY, my youtube channel background is DESTERY, my w101 central profile is DESTERY, my w101 central blog is DESTERY, my userpage on central is DESTERY, if anyone calls me by my right last name, I will kill them, I force them to use "Moore" not my actual last name, my Firefox persona is DESTERY, I have DESTERY written on my hand, I wrote DESTERY on all of the pages in my binder, I have pictures of DESTERY in my room, I taped DESTERY'S face to my binder, all I thought about today was DESTERY, I felt lost because DESTERY'S face wasn't anywhere when I was at school.

As you can see, my case is very extreme. Thankfully, I can calm myself before I go crazy without seeing his face because I taped his face all over my binder and inside it too. So in case I feel crazy without his face, I just gotta look at my binder.

Also, if any of you are wondering...

-Destery's last name is Moore
-The Destery firefox persona was made by me, you can only see his eyes in it though >.< not his whole face. But who cares, I like his eyes. If you want to see it, go here: and in the search box in the top right corner, type in Destery Moore, there is only one.
-And people, Destery is a guy, not a girl xD

I just taped the pictures a few hours ago, so when I go to school tomorrow people will be like "Who's that person all over your binder?"

I already have my response set up.

As I type this I occasionally look over at my binder and look at the little Destery faces looking back at me.

Thank god for printers.

Well anyways that's it for now, bye! :3

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Okay, so I've gotten COMPLETELY OBSESSED with desandnate, these Youtubers.

They swear a lot though, so I think I'm not going to post a video or link or anything...

But umm....
*fangirl squeal*

Yeah so that's Destery (the "des" part of desandnate).


I wasn't supposed to find out his last name?



Yeah, I know, what a creep I am.

I made that pic, I know too many brushes, blah blah, work on your rendering, blah blah, blahhhh.

His hair is A PAIN IN THE BUTT to cut out, but it's awesometastic.

So um anyways, if you've googled "Natalie Moonblade" you'll see a question on WikiAnswers called "What is Natalie's Moonblade's real name?" O.O

Yeah, um, stalkers 0.o

Nah, jk, I dont really care, it's only my first name.

So that's it for now...



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Graphics & Stories


So I've been working on my graphics and I've improved a lot. I'm still working on a lot of things. I really want to learn how to make those clipping things in GIMP (I found a guide but it was confusing) and reflective text.

(Don't complain about the heart brushes. That's how they came. I wasn't going to go through every little white spot of the brush =.=)

Probably should've added a border on this one...maybe. I was going for a "flowy look" and I added drop shadows to the picture and text. I think my rendering is pretty good considering how much a pain in the butt the picture was to render. Cutting is very aggravating. The only brushes used were some cloud brushes to give the flowy look. This was a shop order, I really wish it was a pop-out order :( lol, but I think it looks nice the way it is.

Now I've got to learn how to use my fractals correctly.


Okay, so I'm going to be writing a story. I'm not sure if I'm going to put it on Central because I'm not sure it would be appropriate over there. If I do post it on Central I'll probably have to modify it to make it Central-appropriate.

So besides that, the story is called "The Royal Bloods". It has vampires in it, no there are no Edward Cullen's, he vampires actually drink blood and don't sparkle. I'm still getting ideas and still working on the prologue. I hate prologues xD. I kind of just want to get to the story, y'know?


Bye for now!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

News & Things

Alright, is this the first time I've actually posted two days in a row? Lol.

This is probably apparent to all of you but, I'm kind of done with Wizard101.

By that, I mean, I won't be playing it. I'll only go on for friends, music videos, pictures, parties. Not to finish up Celestia or anything.

And one day, that will all be done too.

Wizard101 just isn't the fun and excitement it used to be to me. Now, W101 is like an old toy that used to be loved, but was left in the basement.

One day, all the W101 blogs will close.

Wizard101 will never close though.

One day, Natalie Moonblade will be a lost name.

Nobody will ever have known the little necromancer Natalie Moonblade.

And who knows, maybe another little Natalie Moonblade will open her own blog too.

Whenever that is, I hope it's a successful one.

I won't be quitting blogging and W101 entirely though, not for a long time.

Mainly, this blog will just be for sharing my stories, posting pictures, Natalie Moonblade Productions, Spiral Sisters Stuff, artwork, graphics, major W101 updates...

Anyways, I plan on writing a story, not Wizard101 related, like a story with vampires in it.

I'm still messing around with stuff on GIMP.

Anyways, bye for now.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

I neglected you, but I'm back

Okay, I'm sorry. I neglected you. I'm not going to make up any excuses. Well, maybe.

Here's why: I didn't feel like it.

And also, I've been learning GIMP.


Ugh, remember February 2010? February 13th 2010...the day I opened my first Wizard101 blog, The Adventures of Natalie Moonblade. Man, I was so paranoid.

When I told you all about closing the blog and everything, you didn't get the whole story.

All of words in italic were what I THOUGHT was going to happen.

See, my friend is an ex-play of Wizard101. Now she thinks it's "boring", but she plays Fantage, LOLWUT. And she randomly googles my wizard's name, and see, if she came across this blog...then she would go and tell her mom that I still played such a "dark" and "dangerous" game and then her mom would call my mom and give her this one hour lecture on Wizard101 and how it's "inappropriate" and that blogging is "dangerous" and especially that I'm blogging about a "dark" game.

Look at how paranoid I was.

Tbh, she doesn't google it anymore. In fact, she doesn't remember my wizard's name.

And seriously, how is Wizard101 "dark"? It's a family friendly game! KI made it appealing to all family members!

I used to be really paranoid back in those days. I was REALLY paranoid when I was like 8. Someone on the Animal Crossing Wikia gave me a warning with a bunch of swears telling me that my page-making was horrible and editing sucked. Tbh, they were right xD, but then again, it was pretty rude. I thought the police would be after me XD.

So anyways, I won't be closing this blog. At least not in a long time. Yes, I may be taking breaks. And from now on, I'll notify you when I go on breaks. If I don't post for a certain amount of days, I don't call that a break. But if I'll be gone for several weeks, etc. I'll let you know.


And I'll keep you updated on my GIMP learning. I'm currently just getting advice from Central.


So anyways, bye for now!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Music videos and Tradegies in Japan & Hawaii


So, guess what! I made TWO new music videos! One was a request that I made with Tara Nightshade and the other one I made with the Spiral Sisters, watch them!

Request music video w/ Tara Nightshade:

Spiral Sisters music video:

If you want to be in a music video with me, then e-mail me @:


So I'm sure all of you have heard about the tsunami + earthquake that happened yesterday. It was devastating.

Want to see?

Eyewitness Footage of the whole thing:

You can find more on Youtube, those are just a few.

Please keep all of those people and Japan in your thoughts. Hawaii is also being attacked too, so please do the same for them.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ack, alright more Wizard101 Girls News, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but it's important!


*GASP* (when in reality, most people would just stare at me in confusion)

The new website is here:

Now go check it out and sign up!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fun Adventures in

Okay, so I know I haven't really been talking about what I've been doing in Celestia and all, so here I go.

Well, I'm not really that far into it. I just finished the quest where you have to find clues, and now I think I have to battle this boss crab guy...the only thing is I have no idea where he is.

Because it won't let me turn on my arrow.

Celestia is mean. It just is.

I've been spending most of my time in my castle just throwing my furniture in random places and failing duels in the arena.

It's a good life here.

Ya know...I should write a story. Not a W101 story, just a story. I've had a lot of ideas popping in my head lately, but I've never really gotten the time to type down my ideas on good ol' Microsoft Word.

I have a Skype now. My Skype status is over there on the sidebar thing. I also have an Oovoo, but that is for personal use only.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mai new clan needs members!!

Helloo everyone, my new clan Night Shadow Angels needs more members!!

There are requirements (I told you I'd be making a clan like this). So watch the video below!!!

If you meet the requirements....sign up! Please sign up through here or through youtube or e-mail. (my e-mail is



Wednesday, February 9, 2011



Watch it!

And thank you all for the nice comments on Central/Facebook/Youtube. ♥

Music videos are my style of videos. I understand some people would rather watch a Pvp Tournament or an Epic Boss Battle...but I like making my music videos and like those people who would rather watch the fights, I would rather watch the W101 music videos :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Okay, so I recently entered a video contest on Central, I love making music videos so I decided to enter.

I'm almost finished editing it while I'm typing this, when I upload it I need to pray that the audio doesn't get removed by the %#$@&*%&$%*%#^&!!!! Okay sorry but it gets me irritated and just so aggravated when all my hard work making this video just goes flush down the toilet when the audio is removed. It makes me mad. A lot. I'm not stealing this music and saying its my own, I'm using it for ENTERTAINMENT. And obviously, ANYONE CAN TELL THAT "FIREWORK" IS BY KATY PERRY, AND NOT ME. If I'm filming my cat with that song on, OBVIOUSLY THE CAT IS NOT SINGING. MY CAT CANNOT GO "Baby you're a firework! Come on let you're colors burst"
The last thing I need if for the audio to be removed, and force me to go find some remixed version and then spend 3 HOURS EDITING THE VIDEO TO MAKE THE SCREEN RECORDS TO GO ALONG WITH THE MUSIC.

Oh well, please wish me luck, because I HATE when that happens. Thats what ANY game music video maker hates. Unless you want to choose from a selection of crappy songs from the Audioswap (which nobody does)

Okay anyways, moving on from that, my Massive Palace!

Ahhhhh, it's sooooooo big! Idk where to put my tons of furniture! It's too hard! I have about 6 pieces of furniture in the entire place! xD Its gonna take me awhile...
I've set up my grand throne in the throne room (haha of course) and like 2 trees outside rofl ohhhh it's gonna be loooong.

Bye bye for now...and please don't let the audio be removed!

Happy Wizarding, bye bye!

Monday, February 7, 2011



Yup, today I went to Gamestop and got the Epic Gift card! Yayy!!! And you know what that means?


Celestia here I come, Natalie Moonblade is back in Wizard101!!!

I'm going to go activate the card right now, I can't wait to get all of those cool things, like the Massive Fantasy Palace and the mount and the outfit (YAY I CAN BE A PRINCESS! XD)

Bye bye! I'll post pictures soon!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wizard101 Girls needs artists & more members!

Okay, so I know, I've been advertising my site Wizard101 Girls waaay too much, but I want to get members...and artists.

Right now we just have 10 members, my goal is 30 members.

Okay so here's the requirements:
-Be a girl.
-Play Wizard101.

Simple, right? Yup.

To sign up:
1. Go here:
2. Read the homepage & the rules.
3. Across from the homepage are the "sign in" and "register" buttons. Click register.
4. Enter your info.
5. Check your e-mail. (Inbox and spam)

We are looking for more artists to make sigs/avi's/banners you know? So if you got some knowledge on graphics/art....sign up.

And if you have absolutely no idea about graphics or artwork...join :P

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Okay, yeah, sorry I haven't been posting, that's my fault. You know school and stuff, yeah.

Oh okay, that's the excuse I always make.

But it is true!

Where I live we are getting HUGE snow storms every week, and today we got one, so students stayed home from school. Students include me xD

Agh, I keep on putting off going to Gamestop and getting the Epic Gift Card, maybe this weekend if the roads aren't too bad.

Byeeee for now :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lol, am I in too many girl clans?

Okay so today I joined The Silver Star and yesterday the Colorful Girlsz

Aaaaah, what am I doing on this blog! I need to be working on the Colorful Girlsz website!

But yeah....I'm going to get the epic gift card sometime this week.

Peace for now.


Saturday, January 22, 2011


Listen up peeps, one of my besties from W101 Central, Percifica, aka Alexandra "Lexi" Emerald or Jessica Spell opened a blog called the "Pyromancer Princess" and I want you to follow it!

Click me to go to her blog!

I also got a new mouse (not not a real one, a laptop mouse) which I know isn't anything exciting, but its just so nice when you scroll, you don't have to put any pressure on it at all. :) I love it.

OH! And if you haven't seen it...if you are a girl W101 player then you NEED to join Wizard101 Girls. Its made by me and its for all girl players, to join go here:
and bookmark it!

Need to go work on the website I'm creating for a new girl clan, so bye for now!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Open Chat Update

Update A message from Merle Ambrose:
To the Wizard101 Community,

Recently we made a change to our chat system that left a number of people in our community frustrated -- or some cases, even angry. The feedback has been signficant, and I wanted to write you a quick note to let you know that, as always, we are listening.

...First off, a quick apology. We did a very poor job of notifying you, our customer community, that this change was coming. To make matters worse, we completely failed to explain the reasons behind this decision. Please accept our apology for that, and allow me the opportunity to provide that explanation now.

A large portion of our effort here at KingsIsle is spent polishing our game, and all the related subsystems. It may not be apparent on the outside, but maintaining a virtual world with 15 million players can be pretty challenging. Operational systems, customer support, registration and billing, the website -- there are hundreds of individual pieces that have to fit together perfectly to keep Wizard101 running all day, every day. Our team is constantly changing these systems, improving them, polishing them, trying to make them better for you.

Sometimes when we make changes, we also make mistakes. A few weeks ago, we found that we had made an error: the explanation for how our 18+ Chat feature worked, as described on the website, didn't match the rules set that turned this Chat Filter off. The result was that a number of players -- all of them over 18 years of age, mind you -- were able to keep Open Chat working, even when their subscription expired.

Oops. Our original intention was to restrict this type of chat to active members only. We thought requiring a current, active credit card would be the safest, easiest way to ensure that 18+ chat remained exactly that -- a restricted feature meant only for our more mature players.

When we found that error, we put it on the schedule, and a short time later it was "fixed." The issue, of course, is that a number of our customers -- like those who have migrated from a subscription account to buying areas with crowns -- found themselves suddenly unable to use a feature they had grown accustomed to. This wasn't a problem before; in fact, when we added 18+ Chat, game cards were a pretty small part of our business. Now we sell them in almost fifty thousand retail locations.

Our intention was to fix an issue with our chat system -- not to alienate a portion of our community! We value our pay-as-you-go customers just as much as our monthly subscribers -- but by making this change, it certainly didn't look that way.

So the question now is: how do we resolve this going forward?

After much discussion, we have decided to move the system back to the way it was before -- and fix the messaging to accurately reflect this. As before, we will still require the use of a credit card to verify that an account holder is 18 or older -- this is not just the right thing to do, it is actually a legal requirement. This is not open to debate. But we can drop the restriction that you must have an active subscription. Once an account is verified as being over 18 years old, that account will remain verified, whether they continue to pay us or not.

We're going to make this change immediately, and I sincerely hope that this will address the situation to everyone's satisfaction. That said, player safety is (and must be) our first priority, and we will continue to review and revise our policies and rules to keep Wizard101 both safe and appropriate for all ages . We reserve the right to change things as we deem necessary, even if those changes are unpopular.

Please understand that we consider our player community to be our most important asset... We are listening, and we do care about your opinions. Thank you again for playing, and I hope to see you in Ravenwood.


J Todd Coleman
"Headmaster Ambrose"
Director, Wizard101

ps. one final note about feedback. We promise to continue listening... but only to opinions that are stated in a curteous, respectful manner. Profanity, insults or threats towards our customer support team absolutely will not be tolerated. Those who have acted in a discourteous or disrepectful manner -- in game, on our forums, or via email -- can expect their accounts to be immediately sanctioned or banned.

Yay, its back! :D

Tons and tons of stuff

I had a day off from school today! *yay* and I have nothing much to do. I NEED to go out and buy myself a new mouse for my computer (I've already been through 2 of them, the first one died after 15 days and the second one died yesterday) so I have to use my mom's mouse until then.

Aaaalsooo...friend me on Facebook! I'll accept ;) My facebook is "Natalie Moonblade" just type that in and friend me.

I guess I'm going to have to buy a subscription! *sigh* Well...maybe not so much *sigh* because I would like to get back in the game and get some COINS. Because dang, I'm broke on the game. There are some clans I want to join! And also I need to start Celestia. Dx I feel like such a newb :( All of you are ahead of me! I'm 10 levels behind! I need to start leveling my other wizards like Tabitha, for example. But shes about to go into Krokotopia and a non-subber can't do that.

But for now, Farewell, And happy gaming,


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kingsisle Removes Open Chat for all non-subcribers and more

Well this is unfortunate.

I am currently a non-subbing player and now my Open Chat gets removed. Which means I cant make music video or talk to someone without being all "... how ... ... doing?" or "HEY Yes how Rush Under doing?" -______-

I have a slight feeling they MIGHT remove this, because many players are REALLY upset about this. There was a huge rant on W101 Central but its closed now due to too much fighting.

Sorry for not posting a lot on this blog, I've been busy with school and stuff.

ALSO...You probably don't know but I've opened up a sketch shop on Central. And I will be taking orders on here :)

Looky here, and to order, copy & paste the form: click me

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day #3

Well, okay my third post on my third blog. Oh my.

Okaaay, I'm sorry, I'm late I know I know I should've posted earlier but I was out. Y'know. At the mall.

Okay so I have a bit of a problem....
The reason why I haven't started Celestia is because...I don't have a subscription! see the problem there.

BUT...I'm going to get a subscription soon so no more pointless blogging :D
And you can actually read about me playing W101 and not babbling on about non-important information nobody cares about!

Friday, January 14, 2011

It's so lonely in here :(

Awww nobodys followin' me. Well, not yet. I mean...I'm pretty sure nobody remembers me anyways but maybe as time goes know...

Well moving on, I might write a story.

*Audience gasps*

I'll be writing it soon so pleeeeease check back often for new chapters, etc. Don't worry, it'll be good.

I will be updating this site often so please visit sometime, your welcome here. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hey everybody, this is me Natalie Moonblade. You may have known me from my previous blogs, and I've decided to start over again. I WANT to start over again. I will be updated this place regularly, and if you want me to add you to my blogroll, just drop me a comment.

Here I come Wizard101, Natalie Moon is back on the block. :D