Friday, January 14, 2011

It's so lonely in here :(

Awww nobodys followin' me. Well, not yet. I mean...I'm pretty sure nobody remembers me anyways but maybe as time goes know...

Well moving on, I might write a story.

*Audience gasps*

I'll be writing it soon so pleeeeease check back often for new chapters, etc. Don't worry, it'll be good.

I will be updating this site often so please visit sometime, your welcome here. :)


  1. Welcome back Natalie! Glad to see you blogging again and back on ConnectX. Hope to see great things from you! Have a great weekend and see you in the Spiral!

  2. Yay, Fallon remembers me! :) And you too. ^_^

  3. Het Natallie, It's me Morgan Beargiver from wizard101 central and on the game!

    - M. Beargiver


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