Friday, January 21, 2011

Tons and tons of stuff

I had a day off from school today! *yay* and I have nothing much to do. I NEED to go out and buy myself a new mouse for my computer (I've already been through 2 of them, the first one died after 15 days and the second one died yesterday) so I have to use my mom's mouse until then.

Aaaalsooo...friend me on Facebook! I'll accept ;) My facebook is "Natalie Moonblade" just type that in and friend me.

I guess I'm going to have to buy a subscription! *sigh* Well...maybe not so much *sigh* because I would like to get back in the game and get some COINS. Because dang, I'm broke on the game. There are some clans I want to join! And also I need to start Celestia. Dx I feel like such a newb :( All of you are ahead of me! I'm 10 levels behind! I need to start leveling my other wizards like Tabitha, for example. But shes about to go into Krokotopia and a non-subber can't do that.

But for now, Farewell, And happy gaming,


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